Monday, January 9, 2012

Cast is off!

Nathan's casts are off and he's doing fantastic!  I've thought about posting before and after pictures, but I think I'll wait until both surgeries are done, and do one big photo display.  They look awesome.  Really pleased, but mostly happy about how fast the recovery was.  What a trooper!  The surgery site is still sensitive, but he describes it as "ticklish" so I guess it doesn't hurt.  (whew)

Logan has started his own blog.  The child is growing up!  He also got straight A's.  He's in the Gifted program, but getting straight A's is something I've known he could do, and we placed a little bet.   And he did it.  I asked him if it was hard, and he said no.  Stinker!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Catch up

One of the reasons I put off blogging, even though I've wanted to do it for some time, is because I knew I'd do exactly what I've done for the last month....put it off.  Even though I have lots of news, I haven't written anything down.  Ugh!  

Nathan has had surgery on his right hand and left foot.  That  was an experience, to say the least. He was just amazing. He couldn't eat or drink after midnight the night before and I put him to bed early since I knew we'd be up at 4am the next he hadn't had anything to eat or drink since 7pm Thursday night. I got him up and put him straight in the car, hoping he'd go back to sleep, but no luck. He was up and at 'em, and happy as a clam. We checked in at 6am, and he was the happiest thing. We were checked into a room, like a hospital stay over room, and they had a tiny little gown for him to wear. He got dressed and they called us up around 7:30....we did pre-op and he was just going with the flow. Never any nerves whatsoever. (I had a few meltdowns....) Then at a little after 8am, the nurse said to him "Wanna go with me and show off your muscles?" He said "Yes ma'am" and she scooped him up and took him away.....he didn't even look back. An hour later, the Dr called our room and said he was ready, just coming down from anesthesia, so we went up to get him. The worst part of it all was the hour after surgery, just because he was so out of it. Didn't want to be held, didn't want his casts on, didn't want to NOT be held....finally he fell back asleep and they let him sleep for about an hour. When he woke up, he said "I'm all better now!" and asked to eat. Little stinker. lol. It was really no big deal. He's hardly complained at all....A real trooper! I didn't have a camera at the hospital, but Matthew's mom did and when she sends me those pictures, I'll post them.  He's so cute with his big fat cast on his leg.  We actually go today for the follow up.  They will probably take off his casts, and recast.  I'l curious how I'll react when I see his missing fingers/toes.  

The GH shots are still going....he doesn't love them, and we've learned the best way is to just do it.  No warning, nothing.  Just say, here we go, and do it.  He's better off, and it's over in 30 seconds that way.  When we went for our follow up with the Endo, he had grown almost 2 pounds and 1 inch in 4 months.  Great progress!

Logan is doing great also!  He was cast as Charlie in The Best Christmas Pageant Ever.  Such a cute play and he has a pretty big part in it.  He's excited!!  The show opens a week from tomorrow!  Needless to say, rehearsal schedule has been hectic!

You throw Nathan's surgery, Logan's play rehearsal, my school, and the fact that Matthew's parents came in for the surgery, and then my Dad came in as well for a, it's been crazy around here!  We also retired some really good friends of ours. I didn't realize what work went into a military retirement, but Matthew was really tied up in a lot of efforts for that to run smoothly...and it did.  Then, I final goodbye to them :(.  


Wednesday, October 5, 2011

2nd opinions

Last night I talked with my cousin who is a Dr, and this morning I talked with Nathan's pediatrician.  Both gave me very good reasons as to why Nate's Ortho probably wants to do 4 separate surgeries.  They also made me feel a bit more comfortable with anesthesia.  Neither of them thought it was a bad idea for me to have an opinion myself and to share that with the Ortho.

My opinion is obviously based on discussions I have had with my network of other EvCers and parents.  The experts! None of them understand 4 surgeries, and none of them have ever been casted after.  Usually just a bandage that came off within a week.  Also, my EvC parents ensure me that healing is no big deal.  They've all urged me to either express my concerns and insist on 2 surgeries, or get a 2nd opinion.

While talking with the Ped this morning, he thinks it would be a great idea to get a second opinion.  He views Nate's Ortho as very conservative (not a bad thing) and thinks maybe seeing a more aggressive Ortho could give us some perspective.  Then, we can make a decision that we feel good about rather than just going with the flow like I kind of feel like we are doing now.   So, his nurse is locating another Ortho that takes our insurance and is calling me back with an appointment.  :)

I feel so much better after talking with both of these men who I respect.  I appreciated the Pediatrician listening to my views and the views of the other mothers, and considering them just as valuable as the professionals.

Here's a great picture of Nathan's hands and feet...also of how stinking adorable he is :)  The child has no clue that he's a little thing, just FULL of himself!!!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Ortho and GHD

This morning we went to the Pediatric Ortho and it looks like we are going to move forward with the surgeries to remove Nathan's extra digits.  Due to the fact that he is older and bigger now, the Surgeon wants to do one digit at a time.  Initially, we were going to do both hands, then a few months later do both feet.  But, because he'll be in casts, the Dr doesn't want to "cripple him up"  While I understand this, I am nervous about putting Nathan to sleep 4 separate times.  I'll be a wreck.  I'm supposed to call the scheduler on Tuesday.  I don't know how quick they'll get this started, but very soon, Nathan will have one less toe......awwww.

I do feel good about this.  I've been anticipating this since he was born.  We're ready and I'm prepared to play nurse. :)

On another note, the 30th of this month The Magic Foundation is ( launching a "Children's Growth Awareness Day"  So many people think being growth hormone deficient only effects your size, but in reality it effects your health in many ways.  We need GH to grow our organs as well!  Not having GH therapy can lead to all sorts of health problems.  Catching and treating GHD early is imperative!  I'm proud of this of course.  We didn't even think of being GHD as a possibility with Nathan.  We just thought him having EvC was the culprit to him not growing.  I thank our geneticist for finding a study of some EvC children who had turned out GHD and he urged us to get Nathan tested.  So thankful we did!

Nathan still hates his shots everynight (I would too!)  But he's certainly getting better at taking them.  He's especially calm when he wears his batman costume.  I think he thinks he actually IS batman :)

Monday, September 12, 2011

Ellis Van Creveld

Three years ago yesterday Nathan came into this world.  A few weeks prior to that, the Drs noticed something was wrong with his legs in the ultrasound.  We went to the US genetics specialist, and he thought that most likely, he had short legs because his Dad and I both have short legs.  Nothing else came up on ultrasounds, and I had many!!!  Nevertheless, the stress of all the Drs and ultrasounds and wondering if there really was something wrong with my precious, sent me into labor a month early.  Something I didn't even know was happening since my labor with Logan was pitocin labor....natural labor is so much nicer!

Anyway, I won't go into the labor and delivery details.  Nathan was born via C-section late at night on Sept 9th.  Once he was born, the nurse showed me one arm, and one leg and let me kiss him, but then he was carried away to the NICU...he wasn't crying much and was having a little trouble breathing.  I sent Matthew with her.

The next day, one of the NICU Drs came in to tell me the initial diagnosis.  Ellis Van Creveld Syndrome.  She rattles off all the different things that can happen with EvC, and it's all a blur.  All I remember is "cardiovascular and respiratory problems" oh and "anomoly of the kidney" because I had no idea what that was.  Here are a few links about EvC:

Just 3 years ago when Nathan was born, there really wasn't much on the internet about this syndrome.  It was such a scary time for us.  Nathan spent almost 4 weeks in NICU, because he wasn't gaining any was awful.   Now that I know what I know, he didn't gain weight because EvC is a form of dwarfism, and he is also growth hormone deficient!!!  (more on that later) so naturally he grows slower.  He was still 6.5 pounds...certainly big enough to send home.  Ugh, frustration!

Anyway, of all the symptoms you can read about with EvC, Nathan has 6 fingers on each hand and 6 toes on each foot, a narrow chest, long torso, short limbs, anomoly of the kidney (which just means a slight twist or turn, nothing dangerous.) and he also had a hole in his heart, which completely closed up by 1 year old.  And, he's CUTE CUTE CUTE!!!  I remember that first year was tough...not knowing how Nathan would grow, if he'd breathe ok, if his heart would heal.  I was not my normal self.

But,'d never even know we went through all that.  Nathan is the healthiest little thing!  Never sick, has had an ear infection 2 times I think, and that's it.   He suffers from seasonal allergies, but we all do in this house.  Basically, this syndrome has not been a hindrance,  other than the fact that one day we will remove those fingers and toes.  Dreading that!  Oh, and recently we learned he is Growth Hormone Deficient, which I have to believe is because of the EvC.  And, now we have to do GH replacement therapy which is a stinky SHOT every day.  Poo!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Blogging Business

I am not a writer.  A talker, an emailer, and definitely a texter...but a writer I am not.  That being said, I have wanted to blog for a long time.  For many reasons, really. First, I have 2 children and live in SC while the rest of my family lives in Texas, Florida, Virginia and other places.  Obviously blogging would be a great way to keep anyone who's interested in us updated.  Second, my 2nd son Nathan was born with something called Elis Van Creveld Syndrome, and was most recently diagnosed with Growth Hormone Deficiency. So, while he's already almost 3 and I have some catching up to do as far as posting about his birth and growth since then, I wanted to blog NOW so I can have record of our Drs appts, and our progress and also keep the family/friends informed without typing/texting/saying the same things over and over.  Not that I mind one bit talking about my kids :)

I didn't want to name this blog "Nathan's blog" or "EVC" or anything that was strictly related to Nate, because I have 2 children, not just 1. Logan is 9, and he's a fantastic kiddo!  He's kind, tenderhearted, and hardheaded.  He's into many different (He played Tiny Tim in the Christmas Story last Christmas!), action heroes, guns, movies...a very active boy.  He's never stopped moving from the very minute I felt him flutter in my stomach.  I'm not exaggerating!

It took us 5 years to commit to having another child.  Logan was spirited, and was not a sleeper!  But, my next one would sleep because I was armed with great information about sleep, routines eating, etc...of course everything goes out the window with a baby in NICU!  More on his birth later...  Nathan will be 3 in Sept and he's just as spirited as Logan ever was.  He's also more hardheaded!!!  But, that baby will melt your heart!  He's small for his age (EvC and GHD) but he has no idea that he's little.  He has the biggest personality!  And, he's very intelligent.  He was an early talker just like Logan.  My husband will tell you they get that from me.

When I get better at this blogging business, I'll start to add pictures.  I have a lot of catching up to do regarding Nathan, and that's a large reason why I've put off starting this blog....but someone told me just to start, and I can go back later.  So, here's my start.  :)